New! Begins 03 June 2019
SGX Trade At Close Session
Please note that SGX-ST wil be introducing a new 'Trade at Close' (TAC) trading session from 03 June 2019.
According to SGX Website:
Trade at Close gives investors 10 minutes to trade at the closing auction price. This means for stocks with an established close price at 5:06pm, investors have the opportunity to enter buy or sell shares at that established close price from 5:06pm up to 5:16pm.
Orders entered during the Trade at Close phase will only be filled if there is adequate interest on the other side of the trade. For instance, a Trade at Close buy order will only be filled if there is an equal or larger amount of shares offered by a seller at the closing auction price.
For illustration, price of ABC counter closed at SGD 1.00 during the closing auction routine (i.e. 5.00 pm to 5.06 pm), participants will be able to buy / sell the ABC counter at SGD 1.00 during TAC trading session (i.e.5.06pm to 5.16pm).