Investing Your CPF Savings in Stock & Gold, Part II

Just awhile ago, there was a blog post on Investing Your CPF Savings in Stock & Gold, Part I, which talked about the CPF Investment Scheme (CPFIS), how to open a CPF Investment Account and the Stock and Gold limits for CPFIS.

This week, we touch on how to check stocks under the CPF list, and how to place an order for CPF on the Online Platform and iPad/iPhone/Android Apps.

How to check stocks under the CPF list
On the platform, look for the column "Ind", which means indicator. If you are using the app, you will be able to find the "Ind" under "Counter Info". If there is a "C" in the column, it means the stock is included under the CPFIS.

How to place an order for CPF?
Step 1: On the platform, right-click on the stock name and click "Buy". If you are using the app, tap on "Buy" on the top right hand corner.

Step 2: Under Payment Type, select "CPF".

Step 3: After submitting order, double-check on your order book that the order payment mode is CPF.

*Caution: Please ensure that your order is within the 35% limit for stocks, and 10% limit for gold. More info here. Trading beyond the limits will lead to revocation of your CPF trade into a cash trade, which can be troublesome.

**Note: Remember to link up your CPF Investment Account with your Lim & Tan Trading Account before placing a CPF order. Please contact me if you wish to link up. Details to provide are: CPF Investment Account Number & Bank. It is recommended to link up at least one day before the trade.