It's January! Whatever that happened in the past year is already behind our backs and now is a good time to restore hope to our lives :)
Have you made your money resolutions for 2016? If you haven't, here's one good statistic that will encourage you to make some financial goals (taken from a Forbes article on 7 Money Resolutions to Make In 2016):
"According to a 2015 Fidelity survey, 29 percent of those people who made money-related resolutions at the start of 2014 actually achieved their goals, while 74 percent got at least halfway there. What's more, half believed they were better off financially."
What financial goals would really matter most to you? Here are some ideas that may be applicable to you (some ideas taken from CNN Money article on Goals: Setting financial goals):
- Pay off debt
- Create an emergency fund
- Start a plan for your retirement savings
- Review your insurance coverage
- Investing for your child's education
- Transforming your relationship with and attitude towards money
- Setting a budget on household expenses
- Work towards daily financial security
- Educate yourself on investing
- Fix gambling or speculating habit
... etc etc. So, get your list together and rank them in order of importance.
Time to get started!
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