More on Share Consolidation: Taking Note of Post-Consolidation Quantities

As we may be aware by now, mainboard listed companies have to fulfil a Minimum Trading Price of $0.20 by the deadline of 1 Mar 2016 and affected companies may go through share consolidation in order to meet this requirement. If you wish to know what share consolidation is about, you can read more in my previous post and SGX article.
Where can I check for info on stocks undergoing share consolidation?
You can check for individual stocks via the SGX website under Company Announcements. Select your stock name and click Go. Then search for announcements with the title "REPL: Share Consolidation...."
Stocks that are undergoing share consolidation over these 2 weeks can also be found in the list under Notable Corporate Actions below.
Word of Caution: Taking note of post-consolidation quantities:
When selling, it is important to take note of your post-consolidated quantity. We had instances whereby some clients without knowing that their shares have been consolidated, sold off their holdings based on the pre-consolidated quantity and prices. This resulted in overselling their shares (aka short-selling) and then subjected to CDP buying-in, hence incurring unnecessary losses.
To find out on your post-consolidated quantity, please call CDP or log into your CDP account to get the real-time quantity. Try not to rely on the quantity on your latest CDP statement. There is a risk that the consolidation may have taken place after the generation of the statement.
What about the odd lots resulting from the share consolidation?
As most SGX-listed shares are traded in lots of 100 shares, should share consolidation result in odd lots of less than 100 shares, companies can request SGX create a temporary odd lot counter for say, two months post-consolidation, so that shareholders with odd lots can manage their shares. Please refer to this article on Channel News Asia.